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Happy Songkran Festival!
The Songkran Festival day is a traditional festival in Thailand and Laos, which is known as the Songkran Festival.April 13-18, 2019, the country of smiles - Thailand will celebrate the festival of laughing and carnival - the Thai New Year Songkran Festival, the world famous Thai Songkran Festival, i



February 2 Dragon raises its head
Dragon Heads-raising Day falls on the second day of the second lunar month, which is a traditional festival. In "Imperial Capital Accounts About Seasons", Pan Rongbi in Qing Dynasty wrote the following: The second day is the Dragon Heads-raising Day.



【Chinese City】Xi'an (西安)
Called Chang'an in ancient times, Xi’an is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization in the Yellow River Basin area of the country. During Xi’an's 3,100 year development, 13 dynasties such as Western Zhou (11th century BC - 771 BC), Qin (221 BC - 206 BC), Western Han (206 BC - 24 AD) and Tang (618 - 907) placed their capitals here. So far, Xi’an enjoys equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one of the four major ancient civilization capitals.



Activities in spring.春天里的活动!
三月的细雨,忽晴忽落,把空气洗得怪清凉的。嫩树叶儿依然很小,可是处处有些绿意。含羞的春阳只轻轻的,从薄云里探出一些柔和的光线:地上的人影、树影都是很微淡的。野桃花开得很早,淡淡的粉色在风雨里摆动,好像媚弱的小村女,打扮得简单而秀美。临海东湖 位于临海市区,以紧临台州府城墙东侧而得名,原为城北白云、山宫数溪汇合处。宋熙宁四年(1071年),郡守钱暄开凿为湖。南北长近500米,东西宽约150米。东湖与古长城城楼遥相呼应,山水相依,构成古城独特的风韵。清文人俞樾有语云:"杭州有西湖,台州有东湖。东湖之胜,小西湖也。临海古长城始建于晋,成于唐;北枕龙固,南接巾子。灵江汇永安、始丰之水绕城而过。城倚山,



【Chinese City】HongKong (香港)
Hong Kong is one of the two special administrative regions (SARs) of the People's Republic of China, along with Macau. Comprising more than 260 islands, the territory is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta, bordering Guangdong province in the north and facing the South China Sea in the east, west and south.
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