Walking with love·与爱同行
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Walking with love·与爱同行

Views: 623     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-02-07      Origin: Site

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The new coronavirus that occurred in Wuhan, China in January 2020 

has been effectively controlled under the strong measures of the Chinese government. 

It is estimated that we will be able to resume production in late February. 

Thank you for your trust and support to our country, and we are sure to defeat the virus.






There are different "Heroes" in every era. 

At this moment, 

the medical workers who are fighting in the front line to help the wounded and the wounded are great heroes

DYS BEARINGS pays tribute to the medical staff and police officers who are fighting in the front line

DYS BEARINGS向奋战在一线的医护人员、警务人员致敬



On the first day of the New Year, telephone from the United States:

Seeing the virus in China from the news, are you all ok? 

We are very worried about our Chinese family. How will you spend your holiday?

After we reported the epidemic situation in China to customers from all over the world, 

we told them about the time to return to work and the inconvenience brought to them. 

The warm reply from customers witnessed the true love


European customers-RUHA

Thank you for your  e-mail. We hope you had a good holiday in spite of the epidemic situation.  

We also hope China  can restore soon after this situation. 


Its  good to hear form you. I glad to hear that the virus is under  control.

African customers-TNSN :

I  hope that you and your family are ok. Hopefully CHINA recovers from this  epidemic very fast.

Southeast Asian customers-HAI:

Welcome back to work, yeah, epidemic like a hurricane, it will gone soon, be strong.


January 31, 2012, Tokyo Sky Tree for China, the pray for China

Middle East customers-IRUN:

We are very  glad you and DYS company is fine and healthy. 

We are prey all of chines people  be fine and healthy . 


Dear DYS ,We were worried about coronavirus epidemic for our firends in china 

and now are very glad to hear it is under contorl . 

Be cearfull for your health you are unic . 


how is going your holiday ?

how about your holiday ? could you go somewhere or stay at home because of virus ?

Just asked you for more detailed information . we are worry about china people


On the evening of February 2,2020. the Burj Khalifa Tower, the world's tallest building, lights up to pray for Wuhan.

South American customers-BRPEL:

Thanks for your message and news about the situation in China, 

this is very helpful for me once news we get from internet and/or TV are very dramatic. 

and I don't believe that China will stop because of this problem.


Wish  you and all of the DYS team prompt recovering from current situation..

also our  country sinked in an deep recession is suffering so, will see what we can do  this year. 

Be’n  contact and good luck!  


Believe in 2020, let’s walk together, come on China!



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